Ho’oponopono: An Ancient Hawaiian Practice That Will Teach You The Healing Power of Forgiveness

5 min readAug 26, 2019


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Photo by Lucas Pezeta from Pexels

Ho’oponopono. Most people have no idea what it is! It’s an ancient Hawaiian practice of forgiveness that allows practitioners to “clear out” their minds and find peace and tranquility. In Hawaiian, the term means something like “to make right”. Ancient peoples used this method to forgive others and create more harmonious relationships by letting go of hate and resentment. In Hawaiian culture, it’s important to have balanced, harmonious relationships with those in our lives and ancestors. Through Ho’oponopono people can correct any wrongs they’ve done, stop feeling guilty, and holding grudges.

Think of it as a kind of meditation, karma cleansing and therapy combined. But the best part is that it’s a self-help method. YOU can help yourself escape the darkness clouding your life.

Our brains are very much influenced by all kinds of negative external factors. We internalize negativity and it makes us feel guilty, unhappy, anxious, stressed, and angry. In order to heal and move forward, we need to get rid of unwanted thoughts.

I know I’ve spent time dwelling on certain people who’ve wronged me in some way — I resented some people and I thought that by staying away from them and telling others who angry I was I would be “sheltering” myself. Actually, those bad feelings just cluttered my brain and made me an angrier person.

Do you also find yourself dealing with negative thoughts? Is there unnecessary stress and anxiety in your consciousness which is keeping you up at night? Do you feel like a bad person? Well, all of these emotions and thoughts are actually coming from your subconscious and creeping into your daily life. Struggling with such issues can be tough. But now there’s a new method you can try which will remove negativity from your mind and help you live a more joyful, happy, and healthy life. The best part is that you can learn to heal your own body and mind and help yourself.

Now you may be asking “How do I practice Ho’oponopono?” The modern method was developed by a renowned practitioner, Dr. Hew Len. He created a 4 step mantra that needs to be repeated. Here’s some more information about practicing this technique. (This is an affiliate link which gives me a small commission if you purchase this course.)

Dr. Hew Len’s 4 Steps To Healing

Dr. Hew Len has spent decades healing his patients with his modern interpretation of Ho’oponopono and the notion of ‘cleaning’ or restoring our minds to zero — a place where you are healed in the spiritual sense — or a fresh slate if you like.

Healing begins with acknowledging the problem, thinking about it, and then practicing forgiveness each day. Dr. Hew Len’s method involves 4 mantras: Repentance, Forgiveness, Gratitude, and Love.

Are you asking yourself how to actually put the mantras to practice? All you need to do is repeat them in your head — kind of like you’re talking to your subconscious.

  1. Repentance: state your issue or problem and acknowledge that it’s having an impact on your consciousness — say: “I’m sorry” over and over again. Even if you think you’ve been wronged, you still have to apologize. Just say sorry for everything.
  2. Forgiveness: say “please forgive me” over and over again. Remember that by forgiving others we are also forgiving ourselves.
  3. Gratitude: say “thank you” over and over again. Thank yourself, thank the universe, a God, your loved ones, your dog — you can be thankful for everything and anything.
  4. Love: say “I love you” repeatedly. What are you loving? Well, everything. The universe, yourself, people, nature, God, animals, situations — just be filled with love.

These simple words will make an impact. Be sure to stay focused and keep at it. Repeat the mantra daily, even several times a day and you’ll begin to feel negativity leaving your mind. When negative and upset feelings start creeping back in, it’s time to start the 4 step mantra all over again.

Basically, you’re saying you are sorry about a problem, are looking for forgiveness from the past so that you can be happy and stress-free in the present and future.

Ho’oponopono works — Dr. Matt James Ph.D. conducted a study and found that those who partook in the Ho’oponopono were significantly more forgiving than those who didn’t. Therefore, it’s safe to say learning to forgive others and move forward helps us feel like better people. There are many other benefits of forgiveness, such as a heightened sense of confidence, less anger, more time spent on positivity, better moods, and courage — once you stop being a victim of the past, you can bravely face the future.

I’ve always thought that I can forgive most people but never forget. I guess that my thinking isn’t suited for complete healing. I think having such practices available to me, I can learn to completely eliminate resentment towards people who I’ve spent way too long thinking about. The 4 Ho’oponopono mantras can be repeated over and over again until you feel your heart starting to mollify. Then your mood starts to change, you feel lighter, less angry. After some mantra sessions, you can look back at incidents with people you hate and realize that it wasn’t that big of a deal — you can get over it! Upset, angry, and hurt feelings start to disappear slowly. It’s gonna take some work but you’ll be cleansing your consciousness of bad emotions.

Do you want others to come to you for advice? Are you looking to help people heal themselves? You can help others to learn the healing benefits of Ho’oponopono and start living a life free from negative intrusive thoughts, feelings of guilt, and anxiety by becoming a certified practitioner. But first, you’ll need to familiarize yourself with Ho’oponopono. (This is an affiliate link)

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